Why Choose Lexcom?
Many organizations struggle to formalize the necessary elements to deliver reliable IT services and proactively address the inherent risk IT presents to a business.
With Best Managed Technology we developed IT services from the perspective of the business owner and shareholders. As a business owner, you want to buy services that are directly relevant to the business, implement the necessary controls to protect your investment and a service level that aligns to the financial realities of the business.
At the heart of Best Managed Tech is our proprietary operational work program. It is a compilation of over 25 years of best practices, ISO controls for asset, information security, business continuity and risk management. We then took those best practices and operationalized them into services that you can subscribe to. This makes it easy for businesses to implement the specific controls and best practices within their business, without having to deal with the complexities of figuring it out yourself.
Lexcom’s IT services extend beyond computer, server and network support and into your applications. We have a team of business consultants, application developers, digital marketing professionals, database administrators and security professionals where line of business issues can be escalated to. We pride ourselves on hiring top talent, that are both personable and motivated to achieve success.
The end result for your business is that not only will you have a more reliable IT infrastructure, but you will have a team of professionals behind you to help you with all of your IT related needs.